Challenge Your Money Mindset - Part 1

It’s been a whirlwind of a week! As I sit down to write this on a Wednesday evening, I realize how much I’ve missed blogging this past week. With a busy schedule and an upcoming trip with my kids, it’s time to catch up and dive into some valuable insights.
This week’s blog is inspired by the live training we had last week. A recurring theme that surfaced was the income goals many of you have set for yourselves. It struck me when I asked, "How much do you want to make?" and received responses like $5,000, $10,000, and occasionally, an ambitious "unlimited." This led me to a deeper reflection on our perceptions of worth and the limits we unknowingly place on ourselves.
Challenging the Status Quo
Hearing these numbers, I couldn’t help but wonder: are these figures reflective of what you truly desire, or are they influenced by societal norms and limitations? The ubiquitous "10K per month" goal is often touted as the benchmark for success. But I’m here to challenge that notion and encourage you to aim higher.
Personally, surpassing the 10K mark happened years ago, and I can attest that while it seemed substantial, it wasn’t the ultimate measure of financial freedom or abundance. The cost of living, especially in higher-expense areas, makes 10K seem less significant. Thus, I urge you to redefine your goals and envision a new standard: 20K, 25K, or even 30K per month.
Embracing Worthiness
A critical aspect of this journey is recognizing your worth. Many times, we set modest goals because we doubt our ability to achieve more. This mindset is often a reflection of external limitations imposed on us. It’s crucial to ask yourself: Do I believe I’m worthy of more? Because you are. The potential to earn more is within your grasp, but it requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to push beyond your comfort zone.
Achieving these higher goals isn’t solely about working harder; it’s about working smarter and creating systems that support your vision. This involves setting boundaries and learning to delegate. For example, as a mom and entrepreneur, I’ve had to accept help with household chores and childcare to focus on my business. This was initially uncomfortable, but necessary for my growth.
Overcoming Guilt and Judgment
Accepting help can often be accompanied by feelings of guilt or fear of judgment. I’ve been there, feeling self-conscious about hiring help for cleaning, childcare, and even pet grooming. However, acknowledging that you can’t do it all alone is a strength, not a weakness. By outsourcing tasks that others can handle, you free up time to focus on what you do best.
Let’s make higher income goals the new norm. Start envisioning 20K months as a standard, not an exception. This shift in mindset can transform how you approach your business and life. When you reach 10K, see it as a stepping stone, not the final destination. Strive for more, knowing that increased earnings enable you to give more and live abundantly.
In this journey, self-belief is paramount. You are capable and deserving of achieving beyond the conventional benchmarks. Challenge yourself to envision greater success and take actionable steps towards it. Remember, the more you make, the more you can give and the more lives you can impact.
As we continue to grow together, I’m here to support and guide you. Let’s break barriers, set new standards, and embrace the abundant life we’re meant to live.
Until next time, stay inspired and keep pushing those boundaries!
Reach out to me on Instagram and join our upcoming live training. Sign up at bring two buddies to earn up to $1000 in Sales Mama cash. Let’s support each other in reaching our goals and creating fulfilling lives. Catch the Sales Mama podcast here.
If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, connect with me on Instagram at @salesmamaschool, @Sausha.Davis or email me at
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