Does Your Spouse Support You or Keep You Stuck?

Welcome back to the Sales Mama Blog, where we dive into the intersection of sales, business, and motherhood. Today, we're tackling an important question: Does your spouse support your goals, or do they keep you playing small?
I recently listened to a podcast where a woman shared a story about wanting to grow her business but couldn't because her husband was terrified of change and refused to let her take the risk. My immediate reaction was, "Who does this guy think he is?" It's hard for me to imagine being with someone who doesn't support my ambitions.
My husband, for example, challenges me in various ways—sometimes triggering me, but always pushing me forward. While I don't always seek his specific advice, he trusts my decisions and supports my goals. This mutual support is crucial. The only times he's ever said "no" have been due to practical constraints, like work commitments preventing him from watching the kids.
It's about understanding each other's goals and supporting the decisions that align with those goals. He trusts my judgment and rarely hinders my progress. When I make decisions, even surprising ones, we navigate them together, complementing each other's strengths and perspectives.
If your partner is hindering your growth, it’s time for some introspection. Are you playing it safe because you're afraid of their reaction? Are you avoiding hard conversations that need to happen for both of you to grow? Sometimes, growth means letting go of certain relationships, even if it's your partner.
My husband and I have had many hard conversations, especially when I decided to leave my corporate job. He was scared, being risk-averse, while I was ready to take the leap. These conversations were tough but necessary. The better you get at having these conversations, the further you'll go as a couple.
It’s about continuous dialogue and understanding each other's visions for the future. This involves discussing where you both want to be in five or ten years. If you're afraid to initiate these conversations, you might be part of the problem. Taking radical responsibility for your life involves having these difficult talks.
When pursuing your dreams, it's also about selling your vision to your partner. Show them how your goals benefit them as well. This mutual understanding can lead to both partners enjoying time freedom, financial freedom, and more fulfilling lives.
In sales, the "spouse objection" is common. A skilled salesperson knows how to dig deeper and understand the root of this objection. It’s about trust and communication within the relationship. If a client hasn't communicated their goals with their spouse, it reflects a deeper issue.
When faced with this objection, ask clarifying questions about their relationship dynamics. This helps in understanding whether the lack of support is genuine or if it’s a result of poor communication.
The objections you face in sales often mirror your own limiting beliefs. If you keep encountering the same objection, it's time to reflect on where it's coming from. Understanding and addressing your own beliefs can help you navigate these objections more effectively.
Take a moment to evaluate your relationship. Does your partner support you, or do they hinder your growth? Start having those hard conversations and see where they lead. If you’re facing the spouse objection in sales, dig deeper and understand the root cause.
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Until next time, have a kick-ass day!
If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, connect with me on Instagram at @salesmamaschool, @Sausha.Davis or email me at
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